Trevor, Darren, Leah, Diedre

Trevor, Darren, Leah, Diedre

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leah cut her beautiful, long hair today. I had a moment of hysteria as I looked at her and saw cut marks through her shirt and cute skirt. Then I noticed some weird stuff on her shoulder and looked at her hair. My eyes probably popped right out of their sockets as they registered what they were seeing. My little girl had butched her hair on one side leaving a nice long patch on the other and one in the back. All I could do was laugh incredulously. Why oh why? I wondered. And what could I do about it but cut the rest of it off? She didn't get punished as she should have mainly because I could see the guilt and fear as she walked towards me with sissors in hand.


  1. You laughed? I remember screaming. That's why your such a good mom. I can't believe you fixed it so well. I'm horrible at cutting girl's hair. Love the post.

  2. Wow-I didn't even come close to imagining how badly she cut it. I imagined a small clump of hair on the floor. Amazing. She really did a number. Good job fixing it.
